When Darryl Schulist and his wife, Christina, and Nick Schulist and his wife, Payton, purchased Wisconsin Territories Farm Market in Rosholt a couple of years ago, they knew they would have to make changes to the business. But being customers of the business prior to purchasing it, they wanted to make sure the business survived into the future, which is ultimately what pushed them to purchase the business.
“We’ve been coming here for years, and we didn’t want to see it go down,” Nick Schulist said.
During the first year, they ran the business with the help of the previous owner. Last winter they made major changes to the business. The entire inside of the building was remodeled, including the addition of insulation and a fresh produce cooler. The greenhouses were redone, with an automatic watering system added. Raised garden beds were also added.
“We’ve stuck a lot of hard work and effort into this place,” Nick Schulist said.
Both Nick and Darryl Schulist said they are very happy with the changes and how customers have responded to the changes.
“They love it,” Nick Schulist said. “The returning clientele is unbelievable. We’ve noticed a huge difference from last year to this year. This year being more returning than even last year as far as foot traffic, so it’s been pretty good.”
Wisconsin Territories is open seasonally from April through the beginning of December. Customers can order food, as they have been able to in the past, but now from an expanded menu.
There are also a variety of items available to purchase, with those items coming from local vendors.
“We want to keep it as much local as possible,” Nick Schulist said. “We want to support every locally owned business that we can.”
The business has always been known for having fresh produce, such as sweet corn, pickles, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, peppers, and more. That hasn’t changed. Around half of the produce available is grown by Darryl and Nick Schulist.
Fresh fruit is also available, depending on the season, including strawberries and blueberries.
Flowers are available, with fall Mums set to be available in the fall. Also available in the fall will be pumpkins, gourds, and possibly Indian corn.
Plenty of other items are offered at Wisconsin Territories, some introduced since the business was purchased. These include fresh canned goods, butter, cheese, honey, and maple syrup. The maple syrup is made from sap that Darryl and Nick Schulist collect on their property. Locally raised meat is also available, including beef, pork, and bison.
“Last year we tried canning stuff, and we couldn’t keep it on the shelves. And we still can’t,” Darryl Schulist said.
Customers can also find bakery items, including cookies, pies, breads, and muffins.
“They do it seasonal too,” Darryl Schulist said. “There’ll be fresh strawberry pies when the strawberries are in. They have blueberry items when the blueberries are in.”
This year they sold trees in the spring, which sold out. They also added wrought iron items and lawn ornaments to the list of items available to customers. This holiday season they plan to sell Christmas wreaths and trees.
Darryl and Nick Schulist said the plan for the business is to keep improving it each year.