Current Bill Information Components
Included here is an itemized listing of the components of your bill. Listed below is a description of the different components.
Ways to contact us about your bill or account are clearly noted on your bill. You can always reach us at 715-677-2211.
The most important information regarding your bill is placed inside a circle in the top center of your bill. Accounts with past due notices will be flagged with a red circle and red text indicating when a payment must be received to avoid a late fee.
This area displays messages directly related to your account or service and other messages from CWEC.
This graph shows your monthly energy usage over the past 13 months compared with the temperature. You can use this information to track and manage your usage. We recommend comparing your usage for the current period to the same period last year.
If you are paying by check, please return this stub with your payment to
ensure the payment is properly credited to your account. The payment stub also provides you with your account number and amount due.
This section provides the account balance.
This table shows meter data associated with the current bill. It indicates your service type, meter number, and meter readings. This is your actual energy usage for the billing period. We measure energy usage in kilowatt hours (kWh). If you have multiple meters, readings for all your meters will be listed here.
This lists any changes to your account since your last billing statement, including your most recent payments. If there is a past due amount, it will be clearly shown, along with the due date for the past due amount.
This shows a detailed listing of the charges that have been assessed to your account. For information about what comprises each charge, see A through H below.
This includes information about your account that lets you compare the last 13 month’s-worth of data for your account for such items as: Days of Service, kWh Used, Average kWh Per Day, kW Demand. The kW Demand number is the peak demand for the month for your account.
The Power Supply charge, billed per kilowatt-hour (KWH) used, covers the cooperative’s wholesale cost of power and the transmission cost to deliver the power from the power plant to our substations.
Distribution charge covers some of the costs associated with the delivery of power to each cooperative member, including but not limited to, power lines & poles, transformers, metering equipment, substation equipment, vegetation maintenance, labor and plant. This charge is billed per kilowatt-hour (KWH) used.
The Power Cost Adjustment that you see on your bill is an amount per kilowatt-hour that will either be added to, or subtracted from your bill each month. This is determined by how much CWEC has to pay its power suppliers for the energy our members use each month. This amount changes month-to-month, depending on market conditions and the cost of fuel. CWEC includes a fixed amount of power costs into the energy rates our members pay. When the actual cost CWEC pays varies each month from the amount we build into our rates, we charge or refund the difference to our cooperative members.
The Basic Charge is a fixed daily charge that every CWEC member pays to help cover the basic cost of bringing electricity to his or her location. All co-op members benefit from having electrical power available when they need it; a Basic Charge ensures that every member pays a fair portion of the co-op’s basic costs.
The Public Benefit Tax portion of the bill is a state mandated charge designed to provide funding for energy assistance and energy conservation. We encourage our members to contact us to see what’s available to them.
For those members who participate in Operation Round Up, their monthly contribution is listed as Round Up Amount. Operation Round Up is a member funded program that provides monies for charitable and educational purposes.
You will see an amount here if you had an unpaid balance or a credit balance prior to the current billing.
The kW Demand number is the peak demand for the month for your account.