Refrigerator & Freezer Recycling
Is there an Energy Hog Living in Your Home?
When we discuss energy use with our member’s one of the most common things we find is that they are using old refrigerators or freezers. In a lot of cases the refrigerator is a second one used only to keep their beverage of choice cold. While old refrigerators and freezers may seem to be working fine, they’re most likely using at least twice the energy as new energy efficient models. According to the fine folks at Energy Star, a 20 year old refrigerator or freezer costs over $100 per year to operate, with ones made prior to 1973 costing even more. In comparison, a new Energy Star rated refrigerator will cost less than $50 per year.
If you think it’s time you part ways with that old “energy hog” we can help. We’re pleased to offer a rebate of up to $25 to help with the disposal of your old refrigerator or freezer. Your garbage disposal company or recycling center should be able to help you with the disposal. All we need is a copy of the receipt for the disposal (please note the rebate can’t exceed the cost of the disposal). Not only can we help with the disposal of your old refrigerator or freezer, we can help you with the purchase of a new one as we offer a $25 rebate with the purchase of a new Energy Star rated refrigerator or freezer. To receive the rebate, please submit a copy of the receipt of purchase along with a copy of the energy guide label that comes with the appliance.
Additional rebates are available for the purchase of any Energy Star rated appliance.
For more information call 1-800-377-2932.