As a member-owner of Central Wisconsin Electric Cooperative, you have the right to elect the people who represent you on the CWEC Board of Directors. Please exercise your right to vote!
District 2 Director Candidates
Todd Pamperin
Town of Wyoming
Todd Pamperin and his wife, Laurie, live near Big Falls in the township of Wyoming. Todd has been a member of CWEC since 2001. In 2007 he followed his love of horticulture and started his own business. Todd has served on the Township of Wyoming town board and the Comprehensive Planning Committee. Todd is also involved in coaching youth and the Tigerton Food Pantry. Todd enjoys golfing, gardening and taking care of his animals on his hobby farm. Todd believes the future of energy is very important for all members and for future members of CWEC.
Nathan Reichle
Town of Helvetia
Nathan Reichle’s whole career has included serving on boards of not-for-profit organizations. He has been a pastor since 2006 and at St. Paul Lutheran Church and School in Manawa since 2015. His expertise at searching Scripture to learn what it means equips him well for the work of searching through regulations and legal documents that regulate the operations of the, Cooperative. The members of St. Paul, Manawa are references for Pastor Reichle’s capabilities in organizational management. Further, to demonstrate Pastor Reichle’s good reputation among his colleagues: since 2010, Pastor Reichle has been entrusted by the North Wisconsin District to support and build up its new pastors and their families. He has enjoyed a 19-year career as a leader and contributor to community health. Reichle is interested to serve on the CWEC Board of Directors to use the factors that determine the cost and reliability of electrical service in order to bring the most reliable service possible so that when we members get our electricity bills, we are happy with what we pay for the service we get. Since 2016, Nathan, his wife of 21 years, and their four children, have lived on a hobby farm in Helvetia where they raise chickens and beef cattle. Since 2023, they have been “Distributed Generation” members of CWEC because of their solar panels.
District 3 Director Candidate
Allen Zander
Town of Alban
Al Zander has been a member of CWEC for 42 years and lives in the Town of Alban, Portage County. He retired from Coca-Cola in the spring of 2021 after 31 years of service. During his employment with Coca-Cola, he served as a route driver, service technician, warehouse manager, and distribution manager. Al is currently a member of the Rosholt Booster Club. His past service includes 18 years as a volunteer with the Rosholt Fire District and 16 years with the Rosholt First Responders. Al and his wife of 42 years, Janet, have two children and three grandchildren. He enjoys boating, working in the woods, making maple syrup and spending time with his family.