Whereas, Central Wisconsin Electric Cooperative of Rosholt, Wisconsin, has established a Budget Billing Program for use by its residential, and
With this free option, you pay for the budget billing plan that best fits your needs, and take the worry out of seasonally high energy bills.
Please sign me up for the Budget Billing Program I have selected and the terms and conditions listed below;
Now, therefore the undersigned agrees as follows (choose one of the options listed below):
Registration: Request is hereby made on behalf of the member to enroll in the Budget Billing Program I have selected above of Central Wisconsin Electric Cooperative. Your account must be at a zero balance before you are placed on Budget Billing.
Effective Date: Enrollment in the Budget Billing Program may begin after the member has continuously received electric service and maintained “good” credit for twelve (12) months or more.
Cancellation: Participation in the Budget Billing Program may be cancelled by the member upon thirty days written notice delivered to the Cooperative prior to any monthly due date. For the purposes of cancellation, such notices shall be effective when received by the Cooperative, and not when postmarked, if mailed. Cancellation of participation in the Budget Billing Program shall also require settlement in full of the entire balance due, if any, at the time of cancellation.
Termination: Late payments shall be sufficient cause for termination by the Cooperative of the member’s participation in the Budget Billing Program and the member will be returned to the regular billing plan.